This week's writing challenge from
Monday Mixer
( The Latinum Vault )
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Back at the Monday Mixer again... #24, I believe.
Here are the choices for the location, thing & adjective (my choices in red):
Things: 1) kludge 2) gamut 3) postern
Verbs: 1) ululate 2) bruit 3) spraddle
Adjectives: 1) copacetic 2) tremulous 3) obstreperous
Just a little silly science fiction! And, yes, I know I said I wasn't going to kill anyone in my third straight posting, but, hey, things just seem to happen that way. What can I say?
The entire apparatus was a kludge of mismatched parts, running the gamut from electrostatic ion generators to plasma channeling coils to something Nortrok couldn't even identify, but Chief Engineer Xilanx assured him this was the only instrument capable of destroying the enemy's immense starship. Once the device had initialized, those manning it began to ululate as the weapon hummed, and despite concerns bruited about of how the intense magnetic fields might kill them before they could attack, none left their post.
As the ship appeared overhead, Xilanx nodded that all was copacetic, and shouted out the order to fire. Once the blast subsided, nothing remained of the vessel but a quintillion quantum particles trying to reassemble themselves within the nebulous haze obscuring a silvery crescent moon.
After staring at the sky for a moment, Nortrok turned to Xilanx, and in a tremulous voice asked, "Wasn't there a full moon tonight?"
Modified image "Darkness Of Apocalyptic" courtesy of "prozac1"/
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